Michael Seamark

Vancouver, Canada

Oct 10 at 10:27 PM

I think so - but i'check and figure something out for you 

Try it out let me know how it feels - have Tim do it to you :) 

Aug 18 at 08:49 PM

Spill the soup! That’s the term 


Aug 02 at 10:37 AM

Wael, that’s a great question. Knee on belly can be a fantastic position and it looks easy to do and escape or reverse and both can be the case depending on your technical understanding. In BJJ you get points for when you establish this position due to its dominance. If you escape, no points - just the reward that your life is a little easier. However it can be a mouse trap due to the pressure. If some understands the top position well and can maintain it the bottom person suffers and has a hard moving, breathing and escaping and might start to resort to use the arms to push the top player off. This is when they are exposed.  Now having said that if you have good knee on belly escape the top person should be looking to transition to other positions which is part of the strategy as well.  In short it’s a very technical position that you will either feel when you know more then the other person or vice versa. I once spent 20 mins getting killed in this position as a blue belt .

Jul 11 at 12:33 PM

Thanks for kind comment my friend. They are great for wall techniques, elevators etc but can be also used just standing to create a trap for other things like back takes or takedowns. 

Jun 05 at 02:16 PM

Have some fun with this.  This waza helps one relax and find gaku with out trying to gear on their partners - Hinto - its all about the space and angle 


Jun 05 at 02:10 PM

No worries mate - see you soon for the Calgary seminar this weekend

Feb 29 at 02:09 PM

Thanks my friend - I am planning doing some more so it’s nice to hear you like it

I am going to film the new kihon for this , this week so it should be release in a few weeks 

Feb 05 at 09:55 AM

Hey Wael, great question. Fujiru is creating a situation where you protect or even neutralize the  power of the attackers grip and seizing the advantage. It usually means finding  the right maai or space and the good angle and elevation that weaken their power…. While at the same time allowing you to relax, connect and add your own body weight . It can feel like they are being pulled slightly or can’t add their body weight well.  It should lead or cause kuzushi. Each waza is a chance to feel and study this. Soke is an absolute master at it.  

In Gassho Shodan it’s similar to Kote Gaeshi and Hiki nage in that regard . I can make a smalll video about this soon.  Cheers and I hope that helped a little .Â